"if you're a book and your clothes are the cover, you should dress like a New York Times bestseller" - Mr. Nelson, father of Kenyatte Nelson (see judge a book by his cover)


It's the Roc..."Climber"

as i promised in "Jockin' Jay-Z", Mr. Carter is blessing you with a new trend to roc (pun intended). the R+ "Rock Climber", the new limited edition boot from Rocawear, is said to be "mature and tailored" as the focus is more on the branding in its style and design versus the name behind the brand. available in black and tan, it is made with a breathable lining and a padded collar. as attractive a style can be for a "climber" boot, i wonder if it's as comfortable as many of you claim the Nike boot to be.

at a retail price of $119, you'll need to jump on this quickly as the R+ is only available on a first-ordered, first served basis and will begin shipping in November. visit the Roc Climber Store to pre-order your pair (or two) now.

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