"if you're a book and your clothes are the cover, you should dress like a New York Times bestseller" - Mr. Nelson, father of Kenyatte Nelson (see judge a book by his cover)


Fashionably Charitable G's

'tis the season... to "Shop with a Jock." The Danny Clark Foundation, charitable organization founded by none other than big homie D.C., #55 of the Giants, hosted the event earlier this week. the DCF selected 50 "underprivileged" children whom were each given $100 WalMart gifts cards and escorted by Giants players to shop for whatever they wanted. fortunately, Danny and the rest of his team were not deterred despite the media's distraction of other athletes' extracurricular activities*. check out what Danny had to say about "Shop with a Jock" in his weekly post on Ralph Vacchiano's The Blue Screen, the NY Daily Post sports blog dedicated to Big Blue.

also, visit DannyClarkFoundation.com to learn more about the Foundation and how you can help. additionally, in the spirit of the season, i'll be highlighting a special charity each week.

*if that's over your head, jump next time ;-)

Peace & Blessings!!

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