"if you're a book and your clothes are the cover, you should dress like a New York Times bestseller" - Mr. Nelson, father of Kenyatte Nelson (see judge a book by his cover)


No Timbs Allowed!

for those of you who have been politely dismissed by the bouncer at the club after he has glanced down at your footwear, i think i have found a solution to transition your soles into man-hood. last night while at a party held by InStyle magazine at Aldo Shoes, i was pleasantly surprised to see the variety of shoes (and boots) available to the men clientele. although this was not my first visit to this shoe store chain, it was my first time paying close attention to what was offered to men. whatever your style, Aldo covers the entire spectrum of fashion preferences. and better yet, they're prices are even more appealing. so, now that its about time to winterize your closet and make some key changes in your wardrobe, its the ideal time to update your shoe game. one pair of black shoes is not enough for the office or church or an impromtu meeting or an emergency court date (for jury duty of course) or anything else for which you might need dress shoes.

do yourself a favor, and go shopping for shoes. you may even find it to be therapeutic. in which case if you do, leave us alone about it! *wink* let Aldo Shoes lead you in this rites of passage. whether you choose something from them or not (you probably will), you'll thank me for it later.

next stop: Aldo Shoes

as an added bonus, you can do your part to help Aldo, in partnership with YouthAIDS, to fight the AIDS pandemic among youth. to find out more, visit http://www.youthaids-aldo.org/.

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