"if you're a book and your clothes are the cover, you should dress like a New York Times bestseller" - Mr. Nelson, father of Kenyatte Nelson (see judge a book by his cover)


HumpDay Hottie: Sasha Fierce

she is... Sasha. Fierce. she's the alter ego that inhabits the physical body of Mrs. "Jay" Carter, b.k.a. (better known as) Beyonce Knowles. the 3rd solo album from Knowles, which dropped yesterday, is aptly entitled "I am... Sasha Fierce". the double-disc creatively gives you the artist on disc 1 and her alter on disc 2. though we have known Ms. Fierce for quite some time (think back to "Crazy in Love"), the 8 tracks from Sasha Fierce invite you into her world. cop the album and prepare for the force that is Sasha Fierce as i'm sure we can expect a tour early next year.

you can also catch Knowles in her portrayal of legend Etta James in Cadillac Records.

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