"if you're a book and your clothes are the cover, you should dress like a New York Times bestseller" - Mr. Nelson, father of Kenyatte Nelson (see judge a book by his cover)


"The Incredible Suit-Shrinking Man" is GQ's Designer of the Year

minimalist Thom Browne has been named the Designer of the Year by GQ. if you're wondering why he's know as the "Incredible Suit-Shrinking Man," it's mostly because his suits are to the left of the norm - the pants are shorter than average and the jackets are slimmer than what you're used to seeing. but then again, why settle for looking safe and average? wouldn't you rather look like you're from off-Main St.? but please understand that this is definitely a brand to which you must proceed with caution, and not without guidance. learn more about why Gentleman's Quarterly selected Mr. Browne as 2008's most influential menswear designer.

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